Thursday, October 1, 2015

Fuzzy Math

I understand that not everyone is good at math.  Maybe a famous writer might need an accountant because his or her forte' is writing, not numbers.  Maybe an artist isn't so hot at math.  Math is a left brained function and creativity is a right brained function.  I get it.  Creative people get business managers and accountants, or at least a mathematically inclined family member to help with their finances.  But of course I am sure that no matter how abstract and creative they are, they can at least subtract 1 from 180.  (That equals 179 right?)  So how is it possible that a CFO that is in charge of ALOT of money and who probably makes a good dollar, cannot subtract 1 from 180?  Shouldn't a CFO (business manager) have decent math skills?  Shouldn't someone in charge of MILLIONS of dollars have simple, common sense number sense?  Mind-boggling! (oh yea, and stop giving me that deer-caught-in-the-headlights-look!)