Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Why do people act like they don't know how to use a revolving door?

Why do people stop or slow down when going through a revolving door? They act like they don't know what to do. Do they realize that there are other people that are being affected by their actions? There are people stuck while they are trying to figure out how to walk through the revolving door. It's not that difficult people. Just keep pushing through!  And how about the dimwits that try and go through two at a time? Dummies!

Monday, December 29, 2014

Why Do People Show Their Nasty Bare Feet?

My 58 year old BIL comes to my Christmas Eve party with moccasins and no socks on his feet. Why would he do that knowing that he was going to take his shoes off?  We are talking about Chicago, IL in December! Not only that, but then he sits in the chair with the ottoman so that everyone has a clear view of his nasty feet. 😖 No one wants to look at or smell your nasty feet. Do I actually have to make a list of rules for future parties like wear a pair of socks??? Embarrassing!

Why Do People Group Message Unnecessarily?

This isn't about Group Message as a whole. I'm all for group message when necessary and convenient. I use it. BUT when the conversation doesn't pertain to the rest of the group, GET OFF THE GROUP MESSAGE. No one wants to hear their phone go "ding ding ding ding" only to read messages between two other people - especially people they don't even know. You know, like when someone says "Happy Thanksgiving or Happy Easter" to a group of 15 people, then your phone starts going crazy with dozens of greetings back and forth between a bunch of strangers? It's exhausting!

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Why Do People Post Cliffhanger Facebook Statuses?

Why do people post cryptic Facebook statuses? Either share or don't share. Nobody has the time or energy to dedicate to asking you a million questions about your status that leaves people hanging. If you're in the ER, say why (seriously though if you are in the ER, how are you facebooking?). If you are going on the trip you've always dreamed of, say where (seriously though if you are leaving your home to go on yet another trip, don't advertise that your home is left unattended). People that do this are just fishing for a response. So next time you want to leave a cryptic (cliffhanger) post on Facebook, do us all a favor and don't share! 

Why Do People Fake Sick for Attention?

Why do people continue to fake sick for attention and think we are stupid enough to fall for it? For the past two or three weeks, this person has been telling me how sick he is, calls me up and coughs in the phone, and every single time we talk (several times a week) he is on his way to the pharmacy to get his prescription. There are so many things wrong with this. Let's start with the fact that I don't know anyone who goes to the pharmacy that often. Usually when you get a prescription, it's for 7-10 days - not one or two days. Most importantly, people that are so sick that they need a constant supply of pharmaceuticals and are always coughing up a lung don't play racquetball to "feel better". Have you ever gone to an educated and highly trained professional with a a horrible upper respiratory infection and have that medical professional tell you to "go play a game of raquestball" to feel better?? Absolutely not! He or she is going to tell you to rest among other forms of treatment. Moral of the story: if you're going to fake sick, don't go play raquestball an hour later. 

Friday, December 26, 2014

Why do people act like idiots?

So I was watching news footage about a ruckus at Navy Pier and how they had to close it down and behind the reporter were young people performing for the camera acting like they didn't have the brains the Good Lord gave them. Dummies. 

Why do people bring all of their kids out shopping the day after Christmas?

We all know how busy the stores are the day after Christmas with sales, returns, etc.  So why do parents add to the confusion and commotion by bringing their children? Most people are off work that day, so instead of bringing your children and making all of the other customers angry, they should stay home with Dad! Come on people, get it right! The world does not revolve around you and your little rugrats!

Why do people have to ruin parties?

So my sister-in-law comes to my Christmas Eve party toting a container of kiwis and squash soup. Kiwis and squash soup have no place in my traditional menu of spiral ham, tortellini soup, and other appetizers such as meatballs and veggies. And then to top it off, she just sets the kiwi and squash soup down like "hey, do something with this random stuff I brought over". Same sister-in-law ruined our grab bag game by announcing that we were not allowed to steal gifts this year. What fun is that and who put her in charge?