Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Why Do People Think Plants Have Feelings?

Why does anyone have to spend 5 minutes of their life explaining to someone that plants aren't people, only to be unsuccessful?  I can understand explaining to a 5 year old the difference between a person and a plant, but to a  grown person?   I shouldn't feel like a murderer because I throw out a dead annual plant.  Do you know what the word annual means with regard to plants?  It means that it completes its life cycle from seed to death in one year.  Yep that's right! It dies.  It has a lifespan of 1 year.  The fact that I do not mourn the death of a plant that is supposed to die in November in Chicago, Illinois where it's cold, is not unnatural.  Why are you looking at me like I am a bad person? And then you try and tell me that plants have feelings?  That's creepy.  I have a plant in my bedroom.  If plants have feelings, I don't want that plant in my bedroom anymore.  What is that plant feeling while I am stepping out of the shower or changing in front of it everyday?  Plants do not have feelings.  Finally, I would like to address the comment "I have a problem with death."  I think most people have a problem with death.  Again, it's a plant.