Why do people with dogs think they are the boss of their home? Everyone knows that when you have a dog, that your dog is the boss. Oh you may think you are the boss. You may make up rules for your house that you expect your dog to follow, but everyone knows who the boss is. Your dog may fake you out by pretending that he is listening or following your rules, but that' s just to get you off his back. The minute you turn YOUR back (and eventually you will) he does what he wants. And he probably talks about you behind your back to the other dogs. At minimum, he's thinking to himself, "Who do you think you are?" When you are scolding him for not following the rules, all he is thinking is "I wish you would shut up talking to me" or "Isn't it time for you to go to work or something?" Have you ever really seriously thought about it? You are going to work all day, FOR YEARS with no expectation of your dog ever contributing to the household at some point in their life. You make him comfortable, feed him, exercise him, play with him, etc. while he gets to lounge around the house FOREVER! Sounds like a pretty good gig!