Why do people continue to fake sick for attention and think we are stupid enough to fall for it? For the past two or three weeks, this person has been telling me how sick he is, calls me up and coughs in the phone, and every single time we talk (several times a week) he is on his way to the pharmacy to get his prescription. There are so many things wrong with this. Let's start with the fact that I don't know anyone who goes to the pharmacy that often. Usually when you get a prescription, it's for 7-10 days - not one or two days. Most importantly, people that are so sick that they need a constant supply of pharmaceuticals and are always coughing up a lung don't play racquetball to "feel better". Have you ever gone to an educated and highly trained professional with a a horrible upper respiratory infection and have that medical professional tell you to "go play a game of raquestball" to feel better?? Absolutely not! He or she is going to tell you to rest among other forms of treatment. Moral of the story: if you're going to fake sick, don't go play raquestball an hour later.